Enhancing the Node.js Autogen

Generating ebuilds for all Node.js release channels at once.
In the previous blog post about Node.js, we wrote an autogen script for it from scratch. Today, we'll look into extending our code to generate ebuilds for all Node release channels at once!
This is needed since not everything works with every Node version. And sometimes, you're just stuck with a particular version. My goal is to avoid having to resort to "Node version managers" or anything like that and just have the ability to install any Node version directly via Portage.
To achieve this, we'll need to combine a couple of sources of information. Firstly, we'll need to fetch all releases and group them by major version via the GitHub API, similarly to how we're doing it now. We'll also need to fetch a list of LTS release channels to know which Node versions to unmask by default.
The latter is needed so that we only offer LTS releases to the users by default but still leave a way to install the latest current, or even a discontinued version if that's what you're after, I'm not judging :D
In particular, we can fetch this JSON file from the Releases
repository in the Node organization. It gives us a timeline of all Node releases, and we can use that to figure out whether a release is still supported and, more importantly, whether it's an LTS release.
Let's begin with the fetching of GitHub releases. If we pay close attention to the API reference, we can see that the "list releases" is in fact paginated. Since we want to fetch all releases, we'll have to fetch all pages.
The most convenient way to do this in my opinion is to write an async generator
. Its purpose will be to query the GitHub API until there are pages left and yield to us the releases it receives. We'll later use that information to find the latest release per release channel.
My implementation of this generator looks like this:
async def release_generator(hub, github_user, github_repo): page = 0 while True: releases = await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{github_user}/{github_repo}/releases?page={page}&per_page=100", is_json=True, ) if not releases: break for release in releases: yield release page += 1
In an infinite loop, it queries the GitHub API for the releases on the current page. If we receive nothing, this means we've reached the end of the releases, so we can terminate. Otherwise, it yields all received releases and moves on to the next page. Nothing too fancy.
Note that we're also specifying the per_page
query parameter. It's set to 100
(the maximum) to minimize the amount of requests we make to GitHub.
With that out of the way, we can now iterate all releases like this:
async for release in release_generator(hub, github_user, github_repo): pass
Simple as that! Now, let's define a dictionary, in which we'll store the latest release for every release channel up to this point. The high-level description of the algorithm for figuring out what the latest release for every major version looks like this:
- Parse the current release's version to get its major version.
- Check the dictionary to see what the latest release for this major version is up to this point.
- If nothing is found or the current version is newer than the version of the stored release, update the dictionary.
- Otherwise, proceed with the next release.
Translated to Python, the algorithm looks like this:
latest_release_by_major = {} async for release in release_generator(hub, github_user, github_repo): release_version = release["version"] = version.parse(release["tag_name"]) release_major = str(release_version.major) latest_release = latest_release_by_major.get(release_major) if latest_release is None or latest_release["version"] < release_version: latest_release_by_major[release_major] = release
If we inspect the versions of all the releases in the dictionary after the loop, we get something that looks like this:
Release channel: 17; Latest version: 17.4.0 Release channel: 16; Latest version: 16.13.2 Release channel: 14; Latest version: 14.18.3 Release channel: 12; Latest version: 12.22.9 Release channel: 15; Latest version: 15.14.0 Release channel: 10; Latest version: 10.24.1 Release channel: 13; Latest version: 13.14.0 Release channel: 8; Latest version: 8.17.0 Release channel: 11; Latest version: 11.15.0 Release channel: 6; Latest version: 6.17.1 Release channel: 9; Latest version: 9.11.2 Release channel: 4; Latest version: 4.9.1
Perfect! All that's left to do is to figure out which of those versions we want to unmask. So, fetch the release schedule JSON and parse the end
dates within it.
To parse the dates, we'll need to import datetime
from datetime import date
Now, for the actual fetching and parsing of the release schedule:
release_schedule = await hub.pkgtools.fetch.get_page( f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{github_user}/Release/main/schedule.json", is_json=True, ) today = date.today() for release_channel, schedule in release_schedule.items(): major_version = release_channel.lstrip("v") release = latest_release_by_major.get(major_version) if release is None: continue if "lts" not in schedule: continue end_date = date.fromisoformat(schedule["end"]) if today > end_date: continue release["unmasked"] = True
As mentioned above, we fetch the release schedule, iterate through every release channel in it, try to find the corresponding release in our dictionary, then check if it's an LTS release at all, and lastly, we check whether it has reached its EOL.
If all three of those conditions hold, we mark the release as "unmasked" by setting the corresponding key to True
Armed with that information, we can simply loop through the dictionary and generate an ebuild for every single one. To make this a bit nicer, let's extract the actual ebuild generation to a separate function:
def generate_for_release(hub, release, **pkginfo): release_version = release["tag_name"].lstrip("v") tarball_url = release["tarball_url"] tarball_artifact = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.Artifact( url=tarball_url, final_name=f"{pkginfo['name']}-{release_version}.tar.gz" ) ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild( **pkginfo, version=release_version, artifacts=[tarball_artifact], unmasked="unmasked" in release, ) ebuild.push()
Nothing special here, except for the new "unmasked" parameter in BreezyBuild
. As you may have noticed, I've removed github_user
and github_repo
from the BreezyBuild
. We can just set those in pkginfo
to avoid having to pass them as separate arguments every time:
github_user = pkginfo["github_user"] = "nodejs" github_repo = pkginfo["github_repo"] = "node"
With that, our autogen already works! The only thing left is to tweak the template to take unmasked
into account:
KEYWORDS="{{ '*' if unmasked else '' }}"
And we're pretty much done! Let's run the autogen and check whether the keywords are as we expect:
$ grep -r "KEYWORDS=" templates/nodejs.tmpl:KEYWORDS="{{ '*' if unmasked else '' }}" nodejs-17.4.0.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-8.17.0.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-11.15.0.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-10.24.1.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-12.22.9.ebuild:KEYWORDS="*" nodejs-16.13.2.ebuild:KEYWORDS="*" nodejs-6.17.1.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-4.9.1.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-13.14.0.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-15.14.0.ebuild:KEYWORDS="" nodejs-14.18.3.ebuild:KEYWORDS="*" nodejs-9.11.2.ebuild:KEYWORDS=""
And indeed, they are! We can try to unmask and emerge an older version of Node and see whether our template works for it as well:
# mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords # cat > /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/nodejs <<EOF net-libs/nodejs ** EOF # emerge -a =nodejs-6.17.1 $ node --version v6.17.1
Piece of cake!
NOTE: There is actually an issue with Node v4 in particular: it uses Python 2 to build. While we could just drop it, it's equally as simple to make it build with Python 2 as well. Since we still have Python 2 at the time of writing this, why not?
According to the changelogs, the first version to support Python 3 was Node v6, so let's add a python_compat
variable to the BreezyBuild
to fix this:
ebuild = hub.pkgtools.ebuild.BreezyBuild( **pkginfo, version=release_version, artifacts=[tarball_artifact], unmasked="unmasked" in release, # NOTE: First version to support Python 3+ was Node 6, # use Python 2.7 for anything older. python_compat="python3+" if release["version"].major >= 6 else "python2_7", )
Let's tweak the template to use the newly added variable as well:
PYTHON_COMPAT=( {{ python_compat }} )
And if we try again:
$ doit # emerge -a =nodejs-4.9.1 $ node --version v4.9.1
If this isn't cool, then I don't know what is :D
As always, the full source can be found here.